Sunday, January 20, 2013

LiveStream 1/20

INKS! Lots and lots of INKS tonight!

If there's one thing I've always hated about my art, it's that I've kept a LOT of people waiting for a very long time (some have been waiting over TWO YEARS) to get their finished pieces. I consider myself a very lucky guy in many aspects in life. One of them is the people who have paid for artwork from me. You guys are awesome. And, the level of patience you have all shown me is beyond measure. Tonight, I'm going to try and power through as many pieces as I can into the ink stages at the very least. I will even try to get some color work done if I can.

To say the least, the past few months have been a lot more hectic than I had imagined they would be. It's because of that that you haven't seen anything new posted by me, though I do have a few new pieces to get out there for folks to see. Over the course of the next few weeks, I intend on not only getting back to work on this stuff, along with Wandering Trials, but updating all my galleries so as to show that I am, in fact, still alive. Again, thank you all for being so patient with me. You're the best. :)

As for tonight, as I stated above, I've got work to do. Who wants to join me and hang out?? :D You know where I'll be...

<a href="">The Twilight316 Zone</a>

Seeya there! ;)

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