Wednesday, January 20, 2016

STREAMING - The Twilight316 Zone - 1/20

'Nother late start. But, I'm up and running now!

Come hang out and enjoy the show! :)

<a href="">The Twilight316 Zone</a>

Seeya there!

Monday, January 18, 2016

STREAMING - The Twilight316 Zone - 1/18

Starting later than I had planned, but still goin' at it tonight!

Working on the next page for Wandering Trials. Once that's done, I have a couple of digital commissions I can switch over to. That's right. Tonight's a digital night.

Next stream will be traditional. :)

See ya in <a href="">The Twilight316 Zone</a>!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Wandering Trials - 1/16/16

New page up! That makes 2 weeks in a row! And, for me, that's considered a "streak". :P

Will he make it THREE weeks in a row?? Stay tuned for NEXT week to find out!

Saturday, January 9, 2016


Guys! GUYS!!


Now, I will warn you, the "current" page was already there. HOWEVER, it's an update because the dialog needed fixing, not to mention some graphic aspects of the page needed to be fixed.

The GOOD news, though, is that there WILL be a BRAND SPANKIN' NEW PAGE UP NEXT WEEK! Promise! Cross my heart and all that crap! XD

Seeya all next week!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Year Livestream!

Okay, it's a new year and it's time to get back to work! Been doing everything but art these past couple of months and I aims to get back to it now.

Commissions and comic pages tonight. As much as I can do within a semi-reasonable time frame, anyway. So, there'll be some traditional art and some digital.

Oh, and music, of course! Because MUSIC!

Come hang out and see what's up!

I'll be hangin' out in <a href="">The Twilight316 Zone</a>.

Seeya there! :)